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  • 4 Week Pregnancy Symptoms | Early Signs, hCG Levels & Baby Development
4 Week Pregnancy Symptoms

4 Week Pregnancy Symptoms | Early Signs, hCG Levels & Baby Development

4 Week Pregnancy Symptoms: What to Expect, Baby Development & hCG Levels: At Month 1 – Week 4 of pregnancy, you are officially pregnant, even if you don’t know it yet! By this time, the fertilized egg has implanted into the uterus, and your body begins producing hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the pregnancy hormone responsible for many early pregnancy symptoms. You may notice fatigue, mild cramping, implantation bleeding, or changes in vaginal discharge, but some women experience no symptoms at all.

This guide will help you understand the week 4 pregnancy symptoms before a missed period, baby size, hCG levels, and what to expect from an ultrasound. If you missed our previous guides, check out:

For proper understanding of pregnancy at week 4 we recommend to start from our guide “Fetal Development stages of Pregnancy“, helping you understand how your baby is developing week by week and what you can expect.

Common 4 Week Pregnancy Symptoms (Trimester 1st)

Pregnancy symptoms at this stage may feel similar to PMS (premenstrual syndrome), which is why many women don’t realize they’re pregnant until they miss their period. However, if you pay close attention, you might notice some of the following:

Implantation Bleeding or Spotting: Light spotting can occur as the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus lining. This is often mistaken for an early period, but it’s usually lighter in flow and shorter in duration.

Cramping and Abdominal Discomfort: Some women feel stomach pain and mild cramps similar to period pains, caused by uterine changes. If the pain is severe or accompanied by heavy bleeding, consult a doctor. Read over guide “Why should I see Gynecologist?” to understand the importance.

Changes in Vaginal Discharge: Increased cervical mucus due to rising hormone levels. May appear white, milky, or slightly sticky, helping to form the mucus plug that protects the pregnancy.

Increased urination – Hormonal changes may make you need to pee more often.

Fatigue and Low Energy: A sudden surge in progesterone can cause extreme tiredness, even if you’re getting enough sleep.

Breast Tenderness & Changes: Your breasts may feel swollen, sore, or sensitive as they prepare for milk production. Nipples may darken, and veins become more visible due to increased blood flow.

Increased hCG Levels and Positive Pregnancy Test: By week 4, your hCG levels are high enough for most home pregnancy tests to detect. Some women get faint positive results, while others see a strong line.

Nausea and Morning Sickness: Some women begin experiencing mild nausea as early as week 4, though it typically worsens around week 6.

Mood Swings and Emotional Changes: Hormonal fluctuations may cause sudden mood swings, irritability, or heightened emotions.

Where is the Baby Located at 4 Weeks Pregnant?

At this stage, your baby (a tiny blastocyst) has implanted in the uterus lining, where it will continue developing into an embryo. While still microscopic, the baby is growing rapidly, and the neural tube, which forms the brain and spinal cord, is starting to develop.

Baby Size at 4 Weeks Pregnant

Your baby is now about the size of a poppy seed (1-2 mm long) and is beginning to form layers of cells that will develop into different body structures.

4 Week Pregnancy hCG Levels

hCG levels increase rapidly after implantation, doubling approximately every 48–72 hours. By week 4 of pregnancy, typical hCG levels range from 5 to 426 mIU/mL. However, these levels can vary significantly among women, and a single reading is not sufficient to determine the viability of a pregnancy.

4 Week Pregnancy Ultrasound: What Can You See?

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound may reveal a thicker uterine lining, which supports early pregnancy. While a gestational sac may start to form, it is typically more visible around week 5. The yolk sac, responsible for providing nutrients to the developing embryo, may also be seen. However, a fetal heartbeat is usually not detectable at this stage, and doctors often schedule another scan around weeks 6–7 to monitor further development.

Note: Dr. Abhilasha Prakash (MBBS, DGO, MS) is a leading gynecologist at Abhilasha Nursing Home with over 32+ years of experience. She specializes in gynecology, obstetrics, and infertility, providing expert care and guidance for expecting mothers.

Weird Symptoms at 4 Weeks Pregnant

Some women report unusual pregnancy symptoms that aren’t often discussed, such as:

  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Excess saliva production
  • Increased sense of smell leading to food aversions
  • Mild dizziness or headaches due to blood flow changes

4 Week Pregnant Belly: Is There a Baby Bump?

At week 4, your belly won’t look pregnant yet. However, some women experience bloating, making their stomach feel fuller than usual.

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy at Week 4

To support your growing baby:

  • Start taking prenatal vitamins with folic acid, as well as other Supplements for a Healthy Pregnancy to ensure proper fetal development and reduce the risk of deficiencies.
  • Eat a balanced diet with lean proteins, whole grains, and vegetables to provide essential nutrients for both you and your baby.
  • Schedule your Routine Prenatal Tests for Ensuring a Healthy Pregnancy to monitor your baby’s growth, detect any potential complications early, and receive professional guidance throughout your pregnancy.
  • Follow Preventive Measures During Early Pregnancy to Reduce the Risk of Miscarriage such as managing stress, avoiding harmful substances, and getting adequate rest to support a healthy pregnancy.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and excessive caffeine, which can negatively impact fetal development.
  • Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest to combat fatigue and support your body’s increased energy needs.

FAQs About Week 4 Pregnancy Symptoms

Q 1. What are the earliest pregnancy symptoms at 4 weeks?

Common symptoms include mild cramping, fatigue, breast tenderness, and increased vaginal discharge. Some women may experience implantation bleeding.

Q 2. Can I get a positive pregnancy test at 4 weeks?

Yes! By week 4, hCG levels are usually high enough to be detected by home pregnancy tests.

Q 3. Is cramping normal at 4 weeks pregnant?

Yes, mild cramping is common as the uterus adjusts. However, severe pain should be checked by a doctor.

Q 4. What does 4-week pregnancy discharge look like?

You may notice thicker, white or milky cervical mucus, which helps protect the pregnancy.

Q 5. When should I schedule my first prenatal visit?

Most doctors recommend your first prenatal visit between weeks 6-8, when the baby’s heartbeat is visible on an ultrasound.

Q 6. Can an ultrasound confirm pregnancy at 4 weeks?

A gestational sac may be visible, but it’s too early to see the embryo. Most doctors wait until week 6-7 for confirmation.


At 4 weeks pregnant, your body is adjusting to pregnancy, and symptoms like mild cramps, implantation spotting, and fatigue are common. Your baby is now implanted in the uterus and beginning early development. While you may not have a visible bump yet, taking care of your health now is crucial for a smooth pregnancy journey. Don’t forget to check out our next guide on 5 Week Pregnant Symptoms & Guide to stay informed about your journey!

To learn more about 1st Trimester pregnancy week by week, check out:

Other Important Guide to Read:

Note: For Pregnancy Checkup and consultation you can visit Abhilasha Nursing Home Agra. Get Direction